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Real-world validation of cold-chain transport utilizing world’s first WHO-certified refrigerated vaccine transport vehicle in the Republic of Uganda

The proposed validation study aims to assess the effectiveness of a cold-chain vaccine delivery vehicle in maintaining the required temperature range for vaccine storage during transportation in Uganda. The study will select representative regions in the most difficult to access communities and regions in the Republic of Uganda, choose suitable vaccines with specific temperature requirements, and equip the RVTV with calibrated temperature monitoring devices. A standardized testing procedure, including simulated transportation routes, will be followed to collect data on temperature variations. Statistical analysis will evaluate the vehicle's performance, and predefined validation criteria will be used to determine successful outcomes for cold-chain delivery. The study seeks to provide valuable insights into the vehicle's capability to maintain the cold chain under diverse environmental conditions in the Republic of Uganda, potentially improving vaccine distribution and healthcare outcomes. Additionally, the outcomes of this validation should serve as the justification to expand outreach of similar mobile solutions, along with the potential expansion of RVTV indications to include transport of non-vaccine health products and reverse logistics (medical waste, etc.).

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